Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Change + Kids = Headache!

Ok, so, I guess I didn't have enough on my plate. I mean, I only have 3 kids at home, a busy Tupperware business (although not so much this month :( )and a children's boutique. Did I mention my oldest daughter has high functioning autism, and is well.... hormonal???? Yeah, I have alllll kinds of time!

So, I was getting NO SALES at my boutique, I mean 1 in several months. So, I shut it down, came up with a new name, got some new products (kept some of the others) and pulled a Madonna! I re-invented myself! lol

Well, it's not as easy as it sounds! OMG, I spent so many hours on the computer, I just want to cry! I still have product to add, and ZERO inspiration to do it! lol

PLUS, tomorrow my hubby is taking the bigger kids to see Transformers, and Amanda can't go (she's only 5, and a YOUNG 5 at that) so the violence would cause nightmares, and well, I'm not going there! lol Soooo, I have to have a mommy and me party for her, so she doesn't feel left out.

So, the NEW boutique is: Simply Stylish Kids! The best part is we have these awesome nursing pads, by Posh Pads, they are just gorgeous!!!

Well, if you don't mind, take a peek, see if you like it! :) I sure paid the price for it! lol

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