Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ahhh the life of a WAHM!!

Wow! I have to say, it's a darn good thing I work from home! That way, I can do nothing all day but watch soap opera's and eat!

OH WAIT!!!!!

That's not my life! lol That's just the one my kids seem to THINK I have! lol You see, in our house the laundry does itself, the food prepares itself, the bills pay themselves, my Tupperware business runs itself, and I don't have to do anything! Soaps? The only soap I see is laundry soap, dish soap and hand soap! lol

Yes, I'm mean, I ask them to empty the dishwasher, put away their things and a few other PAINFUL (apparently) chores. I am soooooo mean!

Oh well, better get back to my bon bons!!!

1 comment:

  1. guess I am mean too
    I stay home all day watching tv and eating, we are awful
    hmmm those dirty shirts got washed, ironed, and put away all by themselves geesh smart eh
