Ok, well, I work from home with my kids! My son doesn't complain much, neither does my oldest daughter (11), but my little one???? She's 4, and she wants EVERYTHING that I'm selling! lol Doesn't matter WHAT it is! But she is partial to the items on 4 Snug Bugs Boutique, http://www.4snugbugs.com/
Here's today's wish list!

I never realized HOW much she would want the items in the boutique! She had taken to begging. But that didn't get her the results she wanted, so now, Mommy loves other kids more! She is my best customer! lol Unfortunately I have to PAY for her purchases!!!
Oh! For readers of my blog, you can take a 10% discount on your purchase until Sunday! Use newsletter in the coupon box.
Well, that's it for today! Maybe tomorrow will be more eventful! :)
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