Sunday, April 25, 2010


I just had to share this! Although, thinking about it now, it does increase the competition, but I'll share anyway! :) The Bragging Mommy is an AWESOME blog, and there are always product reviews, and give aways. Well, this give away is for a $40 gift card to Walmart for a Swiffer SweeperVac!!!

This puppy picks up big bits like cereal, and small dust things! OMG! I soooooo need this!!! Here's the link:

Ok, so that was my act of kindness for the day! :) Go to the link and earn all kinds of entries!

Monday, April 19, 2010

So Busy, Nothing got Done

Well today has to be my least productive work at home day EVER! lol My daughter had state assessment testing today, so it was a mommy and me day for me and Amanda! Well, I promised her Toys R Us after we dropped Rachel off. Well, they weren't open yet. Needless to say that didn't go over very well!

Well, I decided to kill time, so we went to Perkins for breakfast. What a fiasco. They weren't that busy, but they had one waitress doing most of the work, so everything took forever.

We had a fun time at breakfast and at Toys R Us, then we hit the fabric store! Amanda wants to be a clothing designer, at 6 she has decided her career! My 16 year old can't decide on a part time job!!! lol So, we looked at fabric, and she had fun mixing colors together.

We got home, and there was no time to get any work done, because we had to pick up Rachel from testing. So we get home, and my creative juices are just plain gone! lol So, I'll have to do extra tomorrow! lol

Wait, tomorrow afternoon I will be playing with my new camera! I got a better one for taking hi def pics for my website, my pictures are ok, but things like my necklaces, are really hard to take good pictures of, so I needed something better. So, I will have to work in the morning!

The joys of working from home! :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring has Sprung...Now it's Summer Fever

Well, all day my 5 year old has been BEGGING for Carvel's! It started when she woke up, because, it seems like summer! Carvel is open, and she knows it!

So, I had to order a new camera to take hi res pics of my new products for my website, as I'm researching, it's can we go to Carvel now? No, honey, not now, mommy's working.

So, I finally pick a camera, want hubby's input, so I call him, and Amanda runs in can we go to Carvel now? No, honey not yet, mommy's working.

She just came back in to ask again, the UPS truck just left with product that I had to sign, it's off to Carvel we go! You see, I was stalling, I needed to wait for the UPS guy :)

So, I have some gorgeous new charms for my store, and a yummy ice cream cone!

ahhhhh what a day! :) Of course, now Amanda is whining that her hands are dirty! lol I just can't win!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Working from home...Or am I?

Well, I as you know, I am a mother of 4. Three live at home, and one is away in Alabama. That's a BIG distance from Pennsylvania! Anyway, I have come to a realization, my children are trying to kill me!

I know it sounds crazy, but they are! My oldest moves away, and breaks my heart, AND my budget! You see, the boy can COOK! So, on nights I was too tired, he could whip up an amazing dinner! Now, we rely on Burger King (bleh!)

Next up is my 16 year old, there are sooooo many ways he's trying to kill me! First, I have gotten at least 30 gray hairs, that have his name on them! THEN, he tries to pull them out!!! We ALL know what happens when you do that! lol

Then there is my 12 year old daughter....oy! She is DEFINATELY hormonal at times (all of them! lol) She has long legs, and looks older than 12, and now she wants to wear EYE SHADOW!!! Over my dead body! Next thing I know she'll be married with 2 kids, so I told her, nope! Go play with your baby dolls! Apparently she doesn't like them???? "UGH I am soooo strict!" (imagine that really loud, and drawn out!)

Then, the most muderous of them all, my 5 year old!!! She is of the impression that she will be able to date and stuff before she's 40! Seriously? I was thinking more like 50! But, ok, we'll cross that bridge at 40. She is 100% sure that she is REALLY a princess, she landed in this family quite by accident. That part is ok, she allows me to be the Queen, so this I can ignore! BUT, her royal highness is afraid to sleep without her Queen. So, she sleeps in my bed in between my hubby and me. Well, needless to say the princess ends up with all the blanket AND bed!

So, I am a hungry, overweight (thank you Burger King), gray haired, super strict, and EXHAUSTED Mommy working from home!