Well, it's definately summer here! It was 96 when I came in to open my store this morning ~ YUCK!
So, needless to say, even though we have AC in the store, the kids are....you guessed it... whining and complaining!!! I have such a terrible headache, and had a car accident this morning (not my fault lol)It was a little more than a fender bender, but no serious injuries. But MAN my head hurts! So all the bickering is just NOT helpful! lol
But, they are having fun, coloring, and pushing each others buttons! How is a mom to work??????? lol
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010

Well, it's been awhile since my last post....ok a month! But I have a GREAT excuse! I opened up a REAL brick n mortar store!!! I'm out of the flea market, and into my own store!
WOW! I was cramped in the flea market space, but now I have too much room! lol So, I need to fill it up, so I have been busy! lol

I have so much more to do! Like advertising, and actually making money! lol But the whole family is pitching in, and it's great!
Ok, except for the bickering, arguing and complaing, other than that it's great! Well, there is the begging to go to the candy shop a few doors down, that is CONSTANT! But other than that, great! lol
What I love the most is that I can add new products! Here's one that we JUST got in.

Monday, May 24, 2010
Ok, after MUCH work, and a near nervous breakdown, I FINALLY have them!!! The authentic Silly Bandz, or as my 6 yr old likes to call them, "the real deal" lol
I have them listed on my website, www.thelollipoplane.com But, WOW! It was worth all the headaches! No one in my area seems to carry the real ones, and the kids were all so thrilled! Now I have to harass, I mean contact, the company again to get them on my other orders that I placed in advance! lol
The only down side is, my daughters! lol My youngest, the afore mentioned 6 yr old, was telling her friend go ahead take one, they're free! The little girl said no they aren't and Amanda said, they are for you! Ahhhh my budding business woman! This is the same girl who was "negotiating" with the store owner accross the hall from us, he was selling something she wanted, he said how about $1? She said, nope, how about $10? Needless to say, we try to keep her away from the customers! lol She would give away the store! We keep her away from our vendors too, she would have me paying retail for my supplies! lol
She is a cutie pie though, when someone asks her where she got whatever catches their eye, she smiles and says, Lollipop Lane! My mom made it! lol
That's it for now! I will be announcing the winner of the free necklace a little later today! :)
I have them listed on my website, www.thelollipoplane.com But, WOW! It was worth all the headaches! No one in my area seems to carry the real ones, and the kids were all so thrilled! Now I have to harass, I mean contact, the company again to get them on my other orders that I placed in advance! lol
The only down side is, my daughters! lol My youngest, the afore mentioned 6 yr old, was telling her friend go ahead take one, they're free! The little girl said no they aren't and Amanda said, they are for you! Ahhhh my budding business woman! This is the same girl who was "negotiating" with the store owner accross the hall from us, he was selling something she wanted, he said how about $1? She said, nope, how about $10? Needless to say, we try to keep her away from the customers! lol She would give away the store! We keep her away from our vendors too, she would have me paying retail for my supplies! lol
She is a cutie pie though, when someone asks her where she got whatever catches their eye, she smiles and says, Lollipop Lane! My mom made it! lol
That's it for now! I will be announcing the winner of the free necklace a little later today! :)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Silly Bandz
If you have kids, you know all about the Silly Bandz craze! Everyone wants them, but stores are sold out everywhere! I think I have a little insight! I ordered Silly Bandz for my store on 5/3, I was told they would ship in 5-7 days, great! Well, by day 7, I still didn't even have an order confirmation!
So, I called, then they said 10 days from when I ordered. Really?? Ok, so I wait, the person I spoke with said that I should have ordered more, because I would sell out of the others too quickly, so he added on to the order. Then I waited.
Well, I called the day it was supposed to ship, 5/13, and nope not yet! They can't give a date yet. OMG, I was irritated!!
Ok, here we are, today is the 18th. The SWORE it would ship today, so I called to confirm. Mind you, when you call, you get a busy signal alot, so you have to keep calling! lol Anyway, when I finally got a person, she said my card was declined?? WHAT????? I had JUST verified that the funds were there yesterday, JUST to be safe! lol So, she says she has to send an email to the credit department, and they'll look at it tomorrow, and get back to me. WHAT????
So, I asked, seriously, no one there can run the credit card? really????? So she did, and guess what????? It was approved! Get out! Meanswhile, I haven't added any funds to the account, but at least it was approved, but guess what? It didn't ship today!
So, after sitting on hold for about a half an hour, her supervisor said he would get it shipped in the morning. Hopefully I'll have them by the weekend.
But, the moral of this story: If you can't find Silly Bandz, it's because either your retailers got tired of playing games, OR they are still waiting for someone to send them out! lol
So, I will be calling tomorrow, and if they say they haven't shipped yet, I WILL go to Ohio, and track down the supervisor! News at 11 :)
So, I called, then they said 10 days from when I ordered. Really?? Ok, so I wait, the person I spoke with said that I should have ordered more, because I would sell out of the others too quickly, so he added on to the order. Then I waited.
Well, I called the day it was supposed to ship, 5/13, and nope not yet! They can't give a date yet. OMG, I was irritated!!
Ok, here we are, today is the 18th. The SWORE it would ship today, so I called to confirm. Mind you, when you call, you get a busy signal alot, so you have to keep calling! lol Anyway, when I finally got a person, she said my card was declined?? WHAT????? I had JUST verified that the funds were there yesterday, JUST to be safe! lol So, she says she has to send an email to the credit department, and they'll look at it tomorrow, and get back to me. WHAT????
So, I asked, seriously, no one there can run the credit card? really????? So she did, and guess what????? It was approved! Get out! Meanswhile, I haven't added any funds to the account, but at least it was approved, but guess what? It didn't ship today!
So, after sitting on hold for about a half an hour, her supervisor said he would get it shipped in the morning. Hopefully I'll have them by the weekend.
But, the moral of this story: If you can't find Silly Bandz, it's because either your retailers got tired of playing games, OR they are still waiting for someone to send them out! lol
So, I will be calling tomorrow, and if they say they haven't shipped yet, I WILL go to Ohio, and track down the supervisor! News at 11 :)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Lollipop Lane Give Away
Ok, here it is, I couldn't wait! The rules are simple, so have fun! Look below for ways to enter to win this:

How to enter: Leave comments below with your qualifying entries. Leave a Separate comment for each entry telling us which you qualify for.
MANDATORY 1st entry- Visit The Lollipop Lane (www.thelollipoplane.com) and tell us what product you would love to have.
1st Mandatory Entry must be completed before you can qualify for additional entries.
3 entries – Follow Lollipop Lane on Twitter (Lollipop_Ln)(If you already follow, just put your username, you still get the entries!)
10 entries- Make a purchase from The Lollipop Lane (www.thelollipoplane.com)
5 entries- Blog about this giveaway linking to this post and www.thelollipoplane.com. Leave a link to your post in your entry.
3 entries – Sign up for The Lollipop Lane's Newsletter. (if you already subscribe, just leave your email, you still get the entries!)
1 entry - Follow this Blog (leave your username)
1 entry for each - Tweet about this giveaway, with a link here. (earn up to 5 entries a day!)
Giveaway ends on 5/15 Winner will receive an email, and be announced on the blog.
Good Luck, and have fun!

How to enter: Leave comments below with your qualifying entries. Leave a Separate comment for each entry telling us which you qualify for.
MANDATORY 1st entry- Visit The Lollipop Lane (www.thelollipoplane.com) and tell us what product you would love to have.
1st Mandatory Entry must be completed before you can qualify for additional entries.
3 entries – Follow Lollipop Lane on Twitter (Lollipop_Ln)(If you already follow, just put your username, you still get the entries!)
10 entries- Make a purchase from The Lollipop Lane (www.thelollipoplane.com)
5 entries- Blog about this giveaway linking to this post and www.thelollipoplane.com. Leave a link to your post in your entry.
3 entries – Sign up for The Lollipop Lane's Newsletter. (if you already subscribe, just leave your email, you still get the entries!)
1 entry - Follow this Blog (leave your username)
1 entry for each - Tweet about this giveaway, with a link here. (earn up to 5 entries a day!)
Giveaway ends on 5/15 Winner will receive an email, and be announced on the blog.
Good Luck, and have fun!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Good News, and eh news
Well, it looks like everyone from the dump truck accident will be ok, some injuries, but nothing life threatening, thank goodness! That's the good news!
The eh news ~ I was sweeping my neighbors sidewalk, to get the glass and debris off (her daughter in law was in car #1). There is a long history between us, and the whole family hates us (but they are mildly insane lol) it was over a property line dispute. The absolute stupidist of all reasons, especially since WE got hosed in the deal! lol
But, back on topic, I thought it would be the kind thing to do, so I did it anyway, man! They have a lot of sidewalk! lol Plus, their property took on the most damage, with the debris and glass.
So, I'm just about done sweeping, have blisters on my hands, NO MAKEUP on, and a real plain and simple black dress. Well, guess who walks up to me? A NEWS CREW!! Are you kidding? To say I looked like crap is an understatement. I had dirt and dust everywhere, I was bleeding, and well, looked AWFUL!
http://www.wnep.com/news/countybycounty/wnep-dickson-city-dump-truck-crash,0,2949700.story Here's the link to the story. You should see all the damage!
They insisted on asking me a few questions, even though I pointed them to more knowledgable people, guess they didn't talk! lol Anyway, of course, I made it on the news, sounding like a blithering idiot! And looking like one too! The worst part....I didn't even have my company shirt on! lol At least I could have gotten free advertising! ~ Sigh~ well, my one chance at 15 minutes of fame, came down to about 10 seconds, and I looked like crap! What a day! lol
The eh news ~ I was sweeping my neighbors sidewalk, to get the glass and debris off (her daughter in law was in car #1). There is a long history between us, and the whole family hates us (but they are mildly insane lol) it was over a property line dispute. The absolute stupidist of all reasons, especially since WE got hosed in the deal! lol
But, back on topic, I thought it would be the kind thing to do, so I did it anyway, man! They have a lot of sidewalk! lol Plus, their property took on the most damage, with the debris and glass.
So, I'm just about done sweeping, have blisters on my hands, NO MAKEUP on, and a real plain and simple black dress. Well, guess who walks up to me? A NEWS CREW!! Are you kidding? To say I looked like crap is an understatement. I had dirt and dust everywhere, I was bleeding, and well, looked AWFUL!
http://www.wnep.com/news/countybycounty/wnep-dickson-city-dump-truck-crash,0,2949700.story Here's the link to the story. You should see all the damage!
They insisted on asking me a few questions, even though I pointed them to more knowledgable people, guess they didn't talk! lol Anyway, of course, I made it on the news, sounding like a blithering idiot! And looking like one too! The worst part....I didn't even have my company shirt on! lol At least I could have gotten free advertising! ~ Sigh~ well, my one chance at 15 minutes of fame, came down to about 10 seconds, and I looked like crap! What a day! lol
Friday, May 7, 2010
Life looks different with kids
All I can say is ... wow! At 7:31 this morning, I was brewing my coffee, I had been up late making dresses for my girls, and had to finish Rachel's. Well, I go to use the ladies room, and I hear BOOM!!! Ok, I knew it wasn't me. So, I thought, uhoh! Hubby comes running in to tell me there was an accident...HELLO!!! Let me pull my pants up please! Sheesh! where did the dignity go? lol
So, I go out to the porch, and oh my goodness, it was carnage! I saw two cars, and then a dump truck a block away. There was broken glass and chunks of car everywhere! I spoke to some ladies that saw it, and it happened RIGHT in front of my house!
The dump truck was going about 70 mph, he lost his brakes (they are investigating that) and literally ran over this car:

I didn't even see this car, because it was literally wedged UNDER the dump truck! That was car #1 to be hit. Car #1 had no control, and was forced into Car #2, by the dump truck. Car #2 was metal, and fared pretty well. Car #2 hit car #3, and car #3 rammed into a telephone pole. OMG, the smoke, the smell, and the injuries! The one good thing was the house that car #3 ended up at happens to be owned by a nurse, so she was an enormous help to them!
Now, we live in a residential neighborhood, speed limit is 25, it is a MIRACLE people weren't killed. So far the injuries appear to be relatively minor, but they don't know for sure.
Here's how life is different with kids, before kids, I would have been shocked, and thought how horrible!
With kids, I immediately head for the what if's! What if my son had been on his way to the bus stop? What if this happened 4 minutes earlier, when there was a bus full of kids going down the road? With kids you realize, life can change in the blink of an eye! Not everything can be fixed.
So, now I'm more paranoid than usual! I don't even want my kids in the front yard! Can you blame me? The poor first car was pushed up onto the sidewalk!
I'll post more as I find out. Be safe!
So, I go out to the porch, and oh my goodness, it was carnage! I saw two cars, and then a dump truck a block away. There was broken glass and chunks of car everywhere! I spoke to some ladies that saw it, and it happened RIGHT in front of my house!
The dump truck was going about 70 mph, he lost his brakes (they are investigating that) and literally ran over this car:

I didn't even see this car, because it was literally wedged UNDER the dump truck! That was car #1 to be hit. Car #1 had no control, and was forced into Car #2, by the dump truck. Car #2 was metal, and fared pretty well. Car #2 hit car #3, and car #3 rammed into a telephone pole. OMG, the smoke, the smell, and the injuries! The one good thing was the house that car #3 ended up at happens to be owned by a nurse, so she was an enormous help to them!
Now, we live in a residential neighborhood, speed limit is 25, it is a MIRACLE people weren't killed. So far the injuries appear to be relatively minor, but they don't know for sure.
Here's how life is different with kids, before kids, I would have been shocked, and thought how horrible!
With kids, I immediately head for the what if's! What if my son had been on his way to the bus stop? What if this happened 4 minutes earlier, when there was a bus full of kids going down the road? With kids you realize, life can change in the blink of an eye! Not everything can be fixed.
So, now I'm more paranoid than usual! I don't even want my kids in the front yard! Can you blame me? The poor first car was pushed up onto the sidewalk!
I'll post more as I find out. Be safe!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Lollipop Lane Giveaway
Ok, here it is, I couldn't wait! The rules are simple, so have fun! Look below for ways to enter to win this:

How to enter: Leave comments below with your qualifying entries. Leave a Separate comment for each entry telling us which you qualify for.
MANDATORY 1st entry- Visit The Lollipop Lane (www.thelollipoplane.com) and tell us what product you would love to have.
1st Mandatory Entry must be completed before you can qualify for additional entries.
3 entries – Follow Lollipop Lane on Twitter (Lollipop_Ln)(If you already follow, just put your username, you still get the entries!)
10 entries- Make a purchase from The Lollipop Lane (www.thelollipoplane.com)
5 entries- Blog about this giveaway linking to this post and www.thelollipoplane.com. Leave a link to your post in your entry.
3 entries – Sign up for The Lollipop Lane's Newsletter. (if you already subscribe, just leave your email, you still get the entries!)
1 entry - Follow this Blog (leave your username)
1 entry for each - Tweet about this giveaway, with a link here. (earn up to 5 entries a day!)
Giveaway ends on 5/15 Winner will receive an email, and be announced on the blog.
Good Luck, and have fun!

How to enter: Leave comments below with your qualifying entries. Leave a Separate comment for each entry telling us which you qualify for.
MANDATORY 1st entry- Visit The Lollipop Lane (www.thelollipoplane.com) and tell us what product you would love to have.
1st Mandatory Entry must be completed before you can qualify for additional entries.
3 entries – Follow Lollipop Lane on Twitter (Lollipop_Ln)(If you already follow, just put your username, you still get the entries!)
10 entries- Make a purchase from The Lollipop Lane (www.thelollipoplane.com)
5 entries- Blog about this giveaway linking to this post and www.thelollipoplane.com. Leave a link to your post in your entry.
3 entries – Sign up for The Lollipop Lane's Newsletter. (if you already subscribe, just leave your email, you still get the entries!)
1 entry - Follow this Blog (leave your username)
1 entry for each - Tweet about this giveaway, with a link here. (earn up to 5 entries a day!)
Giveaway ends on 5/15 Winner will receive an email, and be announced on the blog.
Good Luck, and have fun!
I'm hosting a Give Away
Howdy Everyone! The Lollipop Lane, which just got a facelift, and new name (was Simply Stylish Kids) is hosting a giveway!
I will post the specifics tomorrow, and it will be on my site tomorrow too, but I wanted to give you guys a heads up! Here is the prize I'm giving away:

Charm Candy comes complete in individual bakery boxes that reveal an unexpected treat, real bakable (and reusable!) cupcake liners and sterling silver necklaces with retro-reminiscent bubble heart pendants. For a little icing on the cake, each bakery box features a Surprise Cupcake recipe on the back to inspire custom confections!
So, stay tuned for ways to enter to win! There will be many ways to win, but only one winner!
I will post the specifics tomorrow, and it will be on my site tomorrow too, but I wanted to give you guys a heads up! Here is the prize I'm giving away:

Charm Candy comes complete in individual bakery boxes that reveal an unexpected treat, real bakable (and reusable!) cupcake liners and sterling silver necklaces with retro-reminiscent bubble heart pendants. For a little icing on the cake, each bakery box features a Surprise Cupcake recipe on the back to inspire custom confections!
So, stay tuned for ways to enter to win! There will be many ways to win, but only one winner!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
I just had to share this! Although, thinking about it now, it does increase the competition, but I'll share anyway! :) The Bragging Mommy is an AWESOME blog, and there are always product reviews, and give aways. Well, this give away is for a $40 gift card to Walmart for a Swiffer SweeperVac!!!
This puppy picks up big bits like cereal, and small dust things! OMG! I soooooo need this!!! Here's the link: http://www.thebraggingmommy.com/2010/04/24/swiffer-sweepervac-review-and-40-wal-mart-gc-giveaway/
Ok, so that was my act of kindness for the day! :) Go to the link and earn all kinds of entries!
This puppy picks up big bits like cereal, and small dust things! OMG! I soooooo need this!!! Here's the link: http://www.thebraggingmommy.com/2010/04/24/swiffer-sweepervac-review-and-40-wal-mart-gc-giveaway/
Ok, so that was my act of kindness for the day! :) Go to the link and earn all kinds of entries!
Monday, April 19, 2010
So Busy, Nothing got Done
Well today has to be my least productive work at home day EVER! lol My daughter had state assessment testing today, so it was a mommy and me day for me and Amanda! Well, I promised her Toys R Us after we dropped Rachel off. Well, they weren't open yet. Needless to say that didn't go over very well!
Well, I decided to kill time, so we went to Perkins for breakfast. What a fiasco. They weren't that busy, but they had one waitress doing most of the work, so everything took forever.
We had a fun time at breakfast and at Toys R Us, then we hit the fabric store! Amanda wants to be a clothing designer, at 6 she has decided her career! My 16 year old can't decide on a part time job!!! lol So, we looked at fabric, and she had fun mixing colors together.
We got home, and there was no time to get any work done, because we had to pick up Rachel from testing. So we get home, and my creative juices are just plain gone! lol So, I'll have to do extra tomorrow! lol
Wait, tomorrow afternoon I will be playing with my new camera! I got a better one for taking hi def pics for my website, my pictures are ok, but things like my necklaces, are really hard to take good pictures of, so I needed something better. So, I will have to work in the morning!
The joys of working from home! :)
Well, I decided to kill time, so we went to Perkins for breakfast. What a fiasco. They weren't that busy, but they had one waitress doing most of the work, so everything took forever.
We had a fun time at breakfast and at Toys R Us, then we hit the fabric store! Amanda wants to be a clothing designer, at 6 she has decided her career! My 16 year old can't decide on a part time job!!! lol So, we looked at fabric, and she had fun mixing colors together.
We got home, and there was no time to get any work done, because we had to pick up Rachel from testing. So we get home, and my creative juices are just plain gone! lol So, I'll have to do extra tomorrow! lol
Wait, tomorrow afternoon I will be playing with my new camera! I got a better one for taking hi def pics for my website, my pictures are ok, but things like my necklaces, are really hard to take good pictures of, so I needed something better. So, I will have to work in the morning!
The joys of working from home! :)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Spring has Sprung...Now it's Summer Fever
Well, all day my 5 year old has been BEGGING for Carvel's! It started when she woke up, because, it seems like summer! Carvel is open, and she knows it!
So, I had to order a new camera to take hi res pics of my new products for my website, as I'm researching, it's can we go to Carvel now? No, honey, not now, mommy's working.
So, I finally pick a camera, want hubby's input, so I call him, and Amanda runs in can we go to Carvel now? No, honey not yet, mommy's working.
She just came back in to ask again, the UPS truck just left with product that I had to sign for....so, it's off to Carvel we go! You see, I was stalling, I needed to wait for the UPS guy :)
So, I have some gorgeous new charms for my store, and a yummy ice cream cone!
ahhhhh what a day! :) Of course, now Amanda is whining that her hands are dirty! lol I just can't win!
So, I had to order a new camera to take hi res pics of my new products for my website, as I'm researching, it's can we go to Carvel now? No, honey, not now, mommy's working.
So, I finally pick a camera, want hubby's input, so I call him, and Amanda runs in can we go to Carvel now? No, honey not yet, mommy's working.
She just came back in to ask again, the UPS truck just left with product that I had to sign for....so, it's off to Carvel we go! You see, I was stalling, I needed to wait for the UPS guy :)
So, I have some gorgeous new charms for my store, and a yummy ice cream cone!
ahhhhh what a day! :) Of course, now Amanda is whining that her hands are dirty! lol I just can't win!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Working from home...Or am I?
Well, I as you know, I am a mother of 4. Three live at home, and one is away in Alabama. That's a BIG distance from Pennsylvania! Anyway, I have come to a realization, my children are trying to kill me!
I know it sounds crazy, but they are! My oldest moves away, and breaks my heart, AND my budget! You see, the boy can COOK! So, on nights I was too tired, he could whip up an amazing dinner! Now, we rely on Burger King (bleh!)
Next up is my 16 year old, there are sooooo many ways he's trying to kill me! First, I have gotten at least 30 gray hairs, that have his name on them! THEN, he tries to pull them out!!! We ALL know what happens when you do that! lol
Then there is my 12 year old daughter....oy! She is DEFINATELY hormonal at times (all of them! lol) She has long legs, and looks older than 12, and now she wants to wear EYE SHADOW!!! Over my dead body! Next thing I know she'll be married with 2 kids, so I told her, nope! Go play with your baby dolls! Apparently she doesn't like them???? "UGH I am soooo strict!" (imagine that really loud, and drawn out!)
Then, the most muderous of them all, my 5 year old!!! She is of the impression that she will be able to date and stuff before she's 40! Seriously? I was thinking more like 50! But, ok, we'll cross that bridge at 40. She is 100% sure that she is REALLY a princess, she landed in this family quite by accident. That part is ok, she allows me to be the Queen, so this I can ignore! BUT, her royal highness is afraid to sleep without her Queen. So, she sleeps in my bed in between my hubby and me. Well, needless to say the princess ends up with all the blanket AND bed!
So, I am a hungry, overweight (thank you Burger King), gray haired, super strict, and EXHAUSTED Mommy working from home!
I know it sounds crazy, but they are! My oldest moves away, and breaks my heart, AND my budget! You see, the boy can COOK! So, on nights I was too tired, he could whip up an amazing dinner! Now, we rely on Burger King (bleh!)
Next up is my 16 year old, there are sooooo many ways he's trying to kill me! First, I have gotten at least 30 gray hairs, that have his name on them! THEN, he tries to pull them out!!! We ALL know what happens when you do that! lol
Then there is my 12 year old daughter....oy! She is DEFINATELY hormonal at times (all of them! lol) She has long legs, and looks older than 12, and now she wants to wear EYE SHADOW!!! Over my dead body! Next thing I know she'll be married with 2 kids, so I told her, nope! Go play with your baby dolls! Apparently she doesn't like them???? "UGH I am soooo strict!" (imagine that really loud, and drawn out!)
Then, the most muderous of them all, my 5 year old!!! She is of the impression that she will be able to date and stuff before she's 40! Seriously? I was thinking more like 50! But, ok, we'll cross that bridge at 40. She is 100% sure that she is REALLY a princess, she landed in this family quite by accident. That part is ok, she allows me to be the Queen, so this I can ignore! BUT, her royal highness is afraid to sleep without her Queen. So, she sleeps in my bed in between my hubby and me. Well, needless to say the princess ends up with all the blanket AND bed!
So, I am a hungry, overweight (thank you Burger King), gray haired, super strict, and EXHAUSTED Mommy working from home!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Fabulous New Items at Simply Stylish Kids
Wow! I have been one busy mommmy! On top of taking care of 3 sick kids, and a sick me :( I have been adding new handmade items, like bottlecap necklaces and these really cute sayings t shirts and onezies. They have heat transfers on them, so they won't wash off, not like iron ons! They are precious, and the shirts are a fabulous quality, a very nice weight! www.simplystylishkids.com
PLUS, I just added a chat feature on my site! When a customer has a question, they can click on chat, and it let's me know right away, so I can answer their questions in real time! I think it's so cool!
Ok, well, that's about it, I have to go lysol my kids tongues, so they don't pass this cold around again! Just kidding! ;)
PLUS, I just added a chat feature on my site! When a customer has a question, they can click on chat, and it let's me know right away, so I can answer their questions in real time! I think it's so cool!
Ok, well, that's about it, I have to go lysol my kids tongues, so they don't pass this cold around again! Just kidding! ;)
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