Wednesday, October 7, 2009

So many new fabulous products!!

WOW! So many products so little money! lol I have started putting in my boutique the most fabulous finds, at the most awesome prices! I'm amazed!! I'm going to be adding more all week! Yes, it will be a VERY busy week, so the kids better just be good! lol

Isn't this Pendant GORGEOUS??? I have a lot of them on my site, they come with a 24 inch chain, and get this, are ONLY $6.95!! How is that for FABULOUS? Plus, they come in an organza gift bag, ready for gifting! They are made on a Scrabble tile! How cool! This is one gift that will NOT be re-gifted! I have them in a large variety of styles, so check them out!

This is a GORGEOUS 9 piece bedding set that we have now! It's called Annabel, and for 9 pieces you are only spending..... wait for it...... $129.99!! How sweet is that? And it comes with all this:

Crib Comforter

Crib Bumper

Fitted Sheet

Crib Skirt (Dust Ruffle)

Diaper Stacker

Toy Bag

Decorative Pillow

2 Window Valances

What a SUPER deal!!!

How about this beautiful outfit? It is soooo precious, and only $29.99! It is so unique, and stylish! It comes in sizes up to 24 months, but I am working on carrying them in the larger sizes.

My goal at Simply Stylish Kids, is to have the most unique, perfect items for you, your child, niece, nephew, or whomever! All at the right prices!

Soooo, announcement time!!!
Now is the time to follow my blog! Because in the next

Who knows when? (hehe I do!!!) I will be adding a contest to win something FREEEEEEE! We all like free, right??

So, tell all your friends, and have them post that you sent them, you'll get an extra 2 entries for every friend you have that signs up for my blog!

Plus there will be other ways to earn entries! But I'm giving you guys a chance to get a head start! :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Busy Busy Mommy!!

Whew~ I have been busy! We opened up a cute little boutique in our local indoor flea market, Crown Flea Market. It's cute, and we like it! But I have to say, I thought working from home with kids was hard!! Working in an actual work place is even harder!!

We put in a dressing/shove the kids in there room! lol It is amazing how much louder the whining is in public! But, they're learning, and it's only 2 days a week, plus they aren't there the whole time. Hubby and I split shifts.

But I thought, hmmm, I don't have enough to do, so I stayed up late last night, and woke up really early this morning, to completely re-do the product line on I think it is so much nicer, and there are so many more inexepensive options!

I'm going to be doing another contest, I just have to think about what to do~ I guess that would require 5 minutes of peace and quiet! lol Well, with one in a mood, and the other sick, that won't happen, especially once everyone else starts getting home!!

~sigh~ back to work!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Update on Me and my scammer :)

Howdy! Ok, for those of you that followed my story about being scammed by Steve of Tyco Homes, he has repaid me $1500 of the $2000 he owes. So one more payment to go, and he took care of it. It started out an exceedingly unpleasant situation, but as time went on, things got a bit easier. Life happens to everyone, so I am a bit more forgiving than some! lol But, he has been paying, so I can't fault him for that. It could have gone wayyyyyyy uglier! But in the long run, he IS doing what he promised to do. He is in construction, and we all know how that was going for awhile, and just like any other small business, he was struggling to keep his head above water. So, I just spoke with him, and he is mailing my final payment next week! woohoo! I should have held out for one of his houses! lol They are beautiful! So, his business is taking off again, and I'm happy about that, he turned out to be a really nice guy, that just had too much on his plate.

Now, that having been said, I have been VERY busy!!! lol WOW if any of you thought I was insane for working at home with kids, I got crazier!!! lol Yep! I opened up a store in my local indoor flea market! I'm thrilled with it, but WOW, that is HARD to do with kids!!!!! lol

We are happy though, we made our rent back, in the first 3 weeks of being open! Which considering it was the slowest month for ALL of retail, we were very happy! lol Now back to school is coming, and I have been advertising up a storm!!! lol The only bummer is, that in the same market as us, is a pet store!!! Sooooo, every weekend, one of my daughters is either begging for a kitten or a puppy! Yeah, hubby LOVES that! hehe

Oh!!! Don't forget the giveway at Simply Stylish Kids! Just go to and click on the contest info, you could win a $20 gift certificate!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

As if I weren't busy enough.........

Well, ya see, here's what happened! lol I got to thinking (never a good thing! lol) And I have a lot of inventory, and well, I have been doing some crafts, to help relieve stress (see drama below!) So, I thought HMMMM, why not open up a stand at the local indoor flea market?

I can't sell my Tupperware, BUT, I can hand out my sales flyers, and display it, to maybe date parties! ;) AND, I can get rid of my overstock, and sell my crafts, as well as the GORGEOUS hairbows that a mom I know makes (I carry them in my boutique Plus I figured I could sell some Posh Pads (THE coolest nursing pads ever made!) and make some moolah!

But, here's the BEST part!!! It's Sat and Sun 9-4, and I can't be there the whole time, so guess what????? I can put my 15 yr old to work!! YES!!!! If he's working (and it's too far for his friends to walk to) he can't get into drama OR trouble!!! AND it gets even better! You get NO cell signal in there! lol So he can't even text! Muahahahaha!!!!!

I don't know, it may be silly, but I remember my mom saying something about idle hands, so his won't be!!! lol

The funny thing is, the whole family is getting involved! lol They are all helping and excited.....go figure! So, I am starting a NEW adventure!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Another Day.....Another Drama!!!

ahhhh.......the joys to parenthood!!!

Well, I have a teenage son, he's 15, and well, he doesn't like drama, but it sure likes him!!! lol I had a Tupperware party to work yesterday, I told my hubby TWICE, I didn't want CJ going out. TWICE!!!! So, after a difficult party, (the party was great, but I got stuck in construction, and ended up being late, because I was parked on the highway! grrrr) I call hubby on the way home, and guess what????? CJ was out!?? I said, (in my calmest I want to kill you voice lol) Honey, didn't I say I didn't want CJ to go out today? So he says, oh! you were serious??? I SAID IT TWICE!!!!! lol

So, I'm hot, I'm tired, and now I'm irritated! lol See, there was a reason I didn't want CJ going out, he broke curfew 3 times!!! He was supposed to stay IN. Ok, deep breath, I get home CJ is already home, so off we go to the grocery store! Isn't that always fun???

Then the begging starts! Not for food (which I'm immune to now! lol) But he wants to go to the next towns Cow Flop with his friends. You read right COW FLOP! Here is what that is, there is a cow, he's in a fenced in area full of painted grids with #'s. You buy a square, and if the cow poops in your sqaure you win the money!!! Yeah, only the best in our area! lol

See, I don't do cow flops! Not that I'm too good for them, but hey, if the whole purpose is to guess where the cow is going to poop, forget it, I can't even guess where my dog will poop! LOL

So, anyway, he's begging to go, AND to borrow money (yeah, he spent his on junk! lol) Of course, my hubby says oh come one! The cow flop happens once a year! So, off my son (my precious baby boy) goes with about 8 other teens and a mom in a car that seats 5!!! OMG I was mad!!!!

So, I tell him, I'm picking everyone up, I have a minivan, everyone can sit in their OWN seat! He says great! I am really excited, ya see, I never get to pick up the kids from anything :( I'm not the "cool" parent. So, I call when it was time, and 2 other parents were there to get them! Ok, now I'm hot, tired and want blood!

Then instead of calling me to pick him up (as we had agreed) from his friends house, they all walked him home, at 11 pm, in the dark! grrrrrrr

Ok, so my son may NEVER see the light of day again, and my hubby will be parked right along side him! ooooo, although, maybe I'll make them do manual labor! My yard sure could use some work!!! ;) hmmmm maybe I'll even have them clean out the garage! muahahahaha!!! Maybe it can be fun being a parent! hehe

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wow! I'm GIVING stuff away!

Well, tonight is THE big night! The big kids are going to see Transformers 2, and me and Amanda are staying home, eating snacks, watching a movie and doing some online shopping! All her favorites!

So, that meant I had to get my other work done early! Since I usually work on my website in the evening when hubby is home. So, while I was feeling full of energy, I decided to offer a grand opening give away!

So, to that end, go to follow the link in the home page, and enter our contest! We're giving away a $20 gift certificate!! No purchase is needed (but always appreciated!)

So, join in the fun, and YOU may earn $20 in FREE shopping!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Change + Kids = Headache!

Ok, so, I guess I didn't have enough on my plate. I mean, I only have 3 kids at home, a busy Tupperware business (although not so much this month :( )and a children's boutique. Did I mention my oldest daughter has high functioning autism, and is well.... hormonal???? Yeah, I have alllll kinds of time!

So, I was getting NO SALES at my boutique, I mean 1 in several months. So, I shut it down, came up with a new name, got some new products (kept some of the others) and pulled a Madonna! I re-invented myself! lol

Well, it's not as easy as it sounds! OMG, I spent so many hours on the computer, I just want to cry! I still have product to add, and ZERO inspiration to do it! lol

PLUS, tomorrow my hubby is taking the bigger kids to see Transformers, and Amanda can't go (she's only 5, and a YOUNG 5 at that) so the violence would cause nightmares, and well, I'm not going there! lol Soooo, I have to have a mommy and me party for her, so she doesn't feel left out.

So, the NEW boutique is: Simply Stylish Kids! The best part is we have these awesome nursing pads, by Posh Pads, they are just gorgeous!!!

Well, if you don't mind, take a peek, see if you like it! :) I sure paid the price for it! lol

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ahhh the life of a WAHM!!

Wow! I have to say, it's a darn good thing I work from home! That way, I can do nothing all day but watch soap opera's and eat!

OH WAIT!!!!!

That's not my life! lol That's just the one my kids seem to THINK I have! lol You see, in our house the laundry does itself, the food prepares itself, the bills pay themselves, my Tupperware business runs itself, and I don't have to do anything! Soaps? The only soap I see is laundry soap, dish soap and hand soap! lol

Yes, I'm mean, I ask them to empty the dishwasher, put away their things and a few other PAINFUL (apparently) chores. I am soooooo mean!

Oh well, better get back to my bon bons!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'm Doing It!!!

Woohooo!!! Yesterday, I used to help me track my exercise and food intake. It's free, and fabulous! Anyway, I did a lot of exercise yesterday, including WALKING to the grocery store!! Yep! I needed a few groceries, so me and the kiddies, walked the mile or so to the store, and back :)

I ended up burning over 500 calories with exercise, AND kept my calorie intake at about 1200, AND the kicker is, I wasn't hungry!

I realized I just eat because it's there!! That is the one pitfall to working from home, food is readily available! lol Sooooo, I eat only when hungry, and ONLY drink water, or herbal teas with no sweetener. I can already see the difference, in just a few days, I am looking MUCH more toned than I have in a while, and have a lot more energy!

Soooo, now I just need to keep my face out of the fridge, and keep up the good work! lol I'll keep you posted ;)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My name is Laurie.....And I am FAT!

Yep, it's true!! And well, I don't want to be anymore! You see, when you work from home, you can literally eat ALLLLLL day! Plus then their the kids leftovers, can't just THROW those away! I mean after all, my mom told me how grateful I should be to have food, there are children in other parts of the world starving. So, to this day, I have to FORCE myself to throw food out!

So, I decided to go ahead and LOSE THE WEIGHT!!! So, here's what I started doing, I have been walking my girls to the park which is about 5 Blocks away, and hilly. We go whenever weather permits. I also have been working out daily on my Wii Fit. That is making a big difference. Plus I'm making sure I have plenty of water! Here's how you figure out how much water YOUR body needs:

Take your weight in pounds, divide in half, that is the number in ounces that you should drink per day. Example:
I weigh 204 pounds (that's 102 ounces of water a day) It seems like a lot, but it's doable!

So, I will keep you posted on how I do with the weight loss! I also am making sure to take my vitamins, and eat healthy!

My goal is to be 175 by the end of August. My main goal is to hit a healthy 129, but I'll start with my August goal, my youngest is going to kindergarten, and I don't want to be this fat! I want to feel and look better!

I had a pregnancy scare earlier this month, and I say scare because I'm 38, just about 39, and I already have 4, sooooo, it made me realize, I'm so uncomfortable in my weight as it is, I couldn't handle baby weight! So, I decided that if I wasn't, then I would do everything I can to lose weight, and since I'm not, It's time to get fit!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

Well, I LOVE working from home, and I love spending time with my children, and giving away free Tupperware!

What I DO NOT love, is that I am overweight. Yep! I'm FAT!

So, I decided that since I teach my children to eat healthy, and I teach my party guests ways to eat healthy, it was time for me to GET healthy! I do eat healthy, but I don't exercise, unless you count carrying boxes of Tupperware for deliveries! lol

So, I've been taking walks everyday, AND I take my children AND my business with me! lol I like to multitask! I get more done that way! lol

So, I have a goal! I have a lot of parties booked in the upcoming weeks, so, for every party, I want to lose 2 pounds before it's held. I figure that way, I'm tying in work WITH weight loss, all for a healthier ME!! I'll be financially healthier, and physically healthier!

I will keep posting about my progress! So now it's more than just working from home with kids! lol It's working from home, and getting healthier ~ with kids!! lol

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ooops! I went MIA!

Wow! It has been a while! lol With pretty good reason! I just got promoted with Tupperware ( I skipped a level! lol) So now I am a Director in Qualification? How do I explain what that is? Tupperware Boot Camp! lol It's HARD work! But, VERY rewarding! At the end, I'll have earned money, and a trip to Disney, so needless to say, my kids are PUSHING!!! lol

Plus, I was revamping 4 Snug Bugs a bit. And, my daughter, who has Bi Polar disorder and Aspergers Syndrome, lost her therapist :( So, now we need to find a new one. Not easy around here.

But all in all, I've just been busy with life! I'm still a mean mommy, because someone ordered the Disney Princess Beverage & Snack Set from Tupperware (and it wasn't me! lol) So, when that went in a bag, I got to hear how I'm nicer to my customers again! lol

Plus there was the spring cleaning! wahhhhhh! I HATE, I mean UTERLY detest spring cleaning! The only good thing about it, it means it's getting warm! lol Up here in the northeast, we still have our heaters on!

Well, I have more parties to prep for! So, I better run, I will check in, and post more often!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Another Day ~ Another Mess!

Well, being the mom of 4 plus a dog and a cat (they argue almost as much as the kids!!) and owning a thriving Tupperware Business, I decided I didn't have enough to do! So, I also have a children's boutique ( but, that's a story for another day!

Todays story involves 6 yes 6 GIANT boxes from Tupperware! ALL filled with OTHER people's stuff! Try explaining that to my 4 year old! EVERY time I close a party, and get the orders to deliver, we go through this, is this ours Mommy, No Amanda, this is for a customer. HMPH!!! You give your customers all the good stuff!!! She then stomps out of the room.

She occupies herself (knowing I'm doing an inventory, yeah, they forget to include products sometimes!), by making it look like an earthquake took place in the other room! Then she comes back in, all happy, as if she's forgotten the last 15 minutes, Mommy is this for us? So, I say, you silly goose, this is for my customers! To which the chorus begins again! Mommy, you get your customers allllllllll the good stuff! This time it's a little louder, and more dramatic!

So, I ask her if she wants to help, she crosses her arms, shakes her head no, and I go back to work, next thing I know there is her head under mine "helping" by taking things out of the box I ma counting, and putting them into the done box. Ok, time to start over! lol

So, now I have THOROUGHLY inventoried my Tupperware shipment, and I have a HUGE mess in the living room! But, guess what? I'm a meanie mommy! Because I asked her to help me clean it up! It seems ALL I do, is make her work! You see, she had to do all that inventorying!

ahhhh the joys of parenting, and working from home!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This is HARD!!!

Ok, well, I work from home with my kids! My son doesn't complain much, neither does my oldest daughter (11), but my little one???? She's 4, and she wants EVERYTHING that I'm selling! lol Doesn't matter WHAT it is! But she is partial to the items on 4 Snug Bugs Boutique,

Here's today's wish list!

I never realized HOW much she would want the items in the boutique! She had taken to begging. But that didn't get her the results she wanted, so now, Mommy loves other kids more! She is my best customer! lol Unfortunately I have to PAY for her purchases!!!
Oh! For readers of my blog, you can take a 10% discount on your purchase until Sunday! Use newsletter in the coupon box.
Well, that's it for today! Maybe tomorrow will be more eventful! :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pettiskirts, and Hair Bows, Oh my!

I am sooooo excited! I just started adding Pettiskirts and Hair Bows to 4 Snug Bugs Boutique! They are sooooo Precious! My daughter is making her shopping list! :)

Isn't this just adorable? It is soooo fun having a little girl! lol I have some hairbows that I just added, and some more that I will be adding!

Wow! Between this and Tupperware, I am having the time of my life!

I will also be adding some adorable Monkey-Toes shoes in the near future!

OOOOO! I almost forgot! There are only a few days left to the month! Someone that purchases from by the January 31st will win a $25 Gift Certificate! So better hurry! I would hate for you to miss out!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Who thinks people won't buy Tupperware?

Well, whoever thinks people won't buy Tupperware, needs to follow me around for a few days! I had two parties, Friday and Saturday, out of those two, I had 5 bookings!! How cool is that? Plus I got a phone call for a catalog party!

Why? Think about it! If you want to go hang out with your friends, and have some food and drinks, you would be spending $30-$40. At a Tupperware party, you're having even more fun, and whatever you spend, will last you a lifetime, not just go through your digestive system! lol PLUS the hostesses get a LOT of free Tupperware! So, it's a win-win!

The last several parties that I've had, everyone had a blast, and got to learn some great ways to save money, and spend less time in the kitchen! :)

So, if anyone tells you Tupperware is dead, send them to me! I can prove otherwise :)

Monday, January 12, 2009

A trip to the Eye Doctors!

So, my daughter broke her DKNY glasses belly surfing down our stairs! Yeah! I'm not a happy mommy, they were only 4 months old! And she has really expensive lenses! So, we had to go to the eye glass store to get her new ones. So, after she picked out a pair she LOVED, they said no can do! lol They were too big for her face. Ok, they point out a pair that would work, she loved them, however, when I pointed the SAME ones out 10 minutes earlier, I was told they were UGLY! lol

So, just as we're leaving, mind you I just dropped almost $400! I give the lady who helped us a Tupperware Sales flier :) Well, she said she couldn't afford to buy anything, so I told her have a party, get it all for free, and then didn't get the reaction I hoped for, so I suggested she could sell Tupperware, and make great extra money! lol

No shame! Hey, my theory was, the no can do glasses were $60 cheaper than the ones they talked us into! Soooo, they can listen to my spiel! lol

Oh well! We shall see if she buys or not! lol BUT My daughters belly surfing days are OVER!!! Cause the next time, she gets the ugliest pair I can find! lol

My first post!

Good morning! This is my very first post! So, I thought I would share a little about me! I am a work at home mom, I have 4, yes 4 kids! They range in age from 17 to 4! I know!!! BIG GAP!!! lol I wanted to be a stay at home mom, but we needed some kind of help with the bills, my 14 year old eats CONSTANTLY! The boy is so thin, he must have a hollow leg!! lol

So, I decided to get creative! I have an online boutique, that someday will be my daughters. She helps me decide what we should sell and really enjoys it, she's 11. That's

I am also a Tupperware Manager! I LOVE Tupperware!!! Working with Tupperware was an EXCELLENT choice for me! I am the most disorganized person on the planet! I prefer to think if it as "Organizationally Challenged" My mom just calls it a wreck! :)

So, Tupperware has helped me earn money, get free Tupperware (woohoo), earn a freee weekend getaway, countless other prizes, and best of all, get organized!!!!! It's true! I can actually find things now!

My 4 year old LOVES Tupperware! We were in an office a few weeks back, and she found a lid, and said mommy look Tupperware! lol AND it was!!!

So, Tupperware is my passion, and I love my boutique! The best part it is, it all helps my family to be able to eat, after my 14 year old has raided the pantry and cabinets! lol

Later, I'll post my favorite products from Tupperware, and my boutique. As well as some of the shameless ways I get my business out there! lol I hope you'll come back!